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Providing exceptional plumbing services to Calgary and the surrounding areas. Hotwater tanks, garburators, humidifiers, all residential and commercial.

Water leaking into your basement in Calgary, AB.

If you see rust or corrosion around the vents or ducts, this is a sign of a problem. Rust and corrosion can cause gas leaks that are dangerous for both you and your home. They also pose fire hazards and damage the furnace itself, which will lead to further problems in the long run. And finally, rust is often made up of iron oxide--a known carcinogen that can cause health problems such as asthma attacks if inhaled regularly over time.

Water leaking into your basement or crawl space is a sign of a failing furnace. Water leaking into your basement or crawl space could be a sign of a failing furnace installation. Water leaking into your basement or crawl space could also be an indication that there was some sort of repair made to the furnace and it wasn't done properly, leading to leaks in the area around it that need to be addressed by an HVAC technician in Calgary.

If you see any of the signs above, it's time to call a professional plumbing in Calgary. It's important not to ignore these signs because they can lead to bigger problems if left unchecked. It's also important not to overreact--if your furnace is making strange noises or running all the time without heating up your home properly, call us! We'll come out and assess the situation so we can get things back on track quickly for you.
